The following are some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the matter of deliverance, accompanied by the author’s answers, taken from the booklet, Deliverance From Demonic Powers. The answers are based on considerable study and experience pertaining to the matter of deliverance as well as many years of practical experience in deliverance ministry. Together, the questions and answers address the most salient issues pertaining to the matter of deliverance.
1. What is deliverance?
Deliverance is a term commonly used to refer to the Biblical exercise of casting out of demons. Some traditional church sects refer to deliverance as “exorcism.” The person who has had demons cast out is said to be “set free” or “delivered.” The end result is that the demons are evicted from their place of residence in or around the person being delivered, and the person is liberated from the influence of the demons.
2. How does deliverance take place?
Different deliverance ministers employ different methods and styles to effect deliverance. One method of deliverance is what takes place in an assembly or meeting impromtu under the anointing as the Spirit of the Lord directs and moves. Some deliverance ministers have an anointing similar to Jesus’ that causes demons to manifest in their presence, which they then cast out on the spot. However, for a variety of reasons, not all deliverance takes place publicly in live meetings, but rather in deliverance-counseling sessions, in which case the deliverance process itself, generally speaking, consists of five primary aspects:
a) a pre-deliverance interview to identify potentially demonically influenced behavior, mindsets, and dispositions;
b) rebellious, sinful behavior, mindsets, and dispositions are renounced, and a pledge of repentance is made;
c) a commitment or recommitment to Christ as Savior and Lord;
d) a calling upon Christ Jesus as Deliverer, and petition for deliverance;
e) any demons discerned to be operating in and through the individual are forcibly driven out through the authority of the name of Jesus.
3. Is deliverance Scriptural?
Most definitely! There are many references in the Bible to the casting out of demons. Jesus Himself cast out demons, thereby setting the standard all believers are to follow in doing the works that He did. He relegated the authority to the apostles of the Early Church to cast out demons, and sent them forth to do so. Moreover, in the “Great Commission,” He charged all “them that believe in My name,” that is, all believers, to cast out demons (Mk. 16:17). Jesus also stated that a part of the mission of the collective Church, which has inherited His ministry anointing, is to “preach deliverance to the captives” (Lk. 4:18). The list of those who cast out demons in the early Church, according to the Bible, include: the Twelve Apostles of the Lamb, Philip the evangelist, and the Apostle Paul.
4. What are demons?
Demons are evil spirits.1 They are the fallen angels who fell with their insurgent leader, Satan (formerly named, Lucifer), into apostasy or perdition. Though we are not told in Scripture what their precise number is, we do know that their number is one-third of all the original company of angels. They are spirit beings filled with unrighteousness and rebellion against God. They seek to influence human behavior in order to carry out their diabolical plans and desires. Their ultimate goal is to totally possess all those who will succumb to their incursion.
5. Can a Christian have a demon and need deliverance?
A Christian can have anything he or she wants or allows. Because the vacated space once occupied by a demon must be filled with the Holy Spirit after the demon has been cast out, Christians are the only valid candidates for deliverance. Demons should never be cast out of unbelievers because, according to what Jesus said, if they are, the unbeliever would subsequently end up with seven times as many demons, since each expelled demon later returns to his former habitation bringing with him seven other demons, seeking re-entrance, with the result that the last state of the person will be worse than the first (Lk. 11:24-26). Jesus said deliverance is “the children’s bread,” and indicated that it was exclusively for spiritual Jews, i.e., Born Again believers in Christ (Mk. 7:24-30).
6. Do demons automatically leave when a person is saved (Born Again)?
Not those that have actually entered a person’s being. According to the Bible, once demons have gained entrance into the soul or body of a person, they remain until another believer drives them out. When a person receives the Divine Nature of God into his/her human spirit at regeneration (rebirth, or moment of true salvation in which Jesus comes to live in one’s heart), his/her spirit is saved and regenerated (filled with the Spirit of God). The very fact that a person was Born Again is proof-positive that his/her spirit is not inhabited by demons. However, the soul, which is comprised of the mind, will, and emotions, is not “saved” (regenerated, redeemed) at the point of and as a result of the rebirth; rather the salvation or sanctification of the soul is a gradual process generated by and commensurate with “receiv(ing) the word implanted, which is able to save your soul” (Jas. 1:21). Only the soul and body of Born Again believers can be “demonized.” Driving out any evil spirits that are “demonizing” the soul and body is a necessary part of the total salvation process, the ultimate result of which is complete (“whole”) sanctification, “spirit, soul, and body” (1 Thes. 5:23).
7. Are there varying degrees of demonic influence?
Yes. There is only one word used in the original language of the New Testament (Greek) to describe demonic influence and habitation — “daimonizomai,” which simply means “demonized.” In terms of casting out devils, it serves no purpose to “mince words” or get “hung up” over semantics. If a person is being influenced by a demon, he needs to be set free from that influence and the demon needs to be cast out, regardless of what part of his being it is affecting or inhabiting.
However, for the sake of identification, demonization is commonly classified into three categories: oppression, obsession, and possession. Oppression is solely external influence by demons affecting or seeking to affect either a person’s body or his mind and emotions but without usurpation of his will. Obsession is a more advanced stage of demonic incursion of the human soul or body than oppression, distinguished primarily by the fact that with obsession the demonized person has gradually given more and more place to the evil spirits, resulting in progressive usurpation of the demonized person’s will and progressively diminishing self-control. Possession is the most advanced stage of demonization, and occurs when the human spirit has been invaded and inhabited by one or more demons, resulting in total captivation and control of the person. Relatively few people are actually demon-possessed, but those who are, are socially dysfunctional to some degree and require some form of assistance or institutionalization. The vast majority of the demonized are either oppressed or obsessed, and in many cases, both, being merely oppressed by some spirits and obsessed by others.
8. Can a true Born Again Christian be demon-possessed?
No! Actual demon-possession is when a demon or demons have entered and gained control of a person’s spirit. As long as the Spirit of Christ (the Holy Spirit) is occupying a human spirit, it cannot be invaded by an evil spirit. However, a true Born Again Christian can fall away from the Lord, lose his salvation, and be subject to eventual demon-possession through persistent rebellious behavior. But, again, the premise of this volume is that true Born Again, even Spirit-baptized Christians, most definitely can be “demonized,” i.e., influenced, troubled, vexed, tempted, and attacked by demons.
9. Is all improper or rebellious activity caused by demons?
This question is addressed in the booklet, Deliverance From Demonic Powers.
10. How is the need for deliverance distinguishable from the necessity to crucify the flesh? Put another way — how can it be determined whether a person’s behavior is being influenced by a demon or merely by the carnal nature?
This question is addressed in the booklet, Deliverance From Demonic Powers.
11. Can a person “inherit” evil spirits (i.e., “generational curses”) from their parents, grandparents, or ancestors?
Absolutely! Satan is an evil maniac, who does not play fair. He will seize upon every unfair advantage he possible can, to include passing on the evil spirits demonizing people onto their children. We believe the root-cause of many adverse physiological, psychological, and psychosomatic maladies considered by science to be “hereditary” is actually demons which have been passed on to successive generations. Authority for those spirits to be passed on from generation to generation may reside in the second Mosaic commandment in which the Lord describes Himself as a “jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and the fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing loving kindness to thousand, to those who keep My commandments.” Persistent disobedience to God’s Word, which is His Law, gives place to demons, which not only continue to occupy until they are cast out but also due to the persistent sin of the parents can be passed on to their children.
12. Can a person lose his deliverance?
This question is addressed in the booklet, Deliverance From Demonic Powers.
13. How does one keep his or her deliverance?
This question is addressed in the booklet, Deliverance From Demonic Powers.
14. What are some of the common indicators of the need for deliverance?
a) Inability to crucify fleshly passions and desires (Gal. 5:24);
b) Unwillful bondage and captivation (enslavement) (2 Pet. 2:19);
c) Self-delusion;
d) Spiritual hindrances and error;
e) Chronic, incurable, or recurring physiological, psychological, emotional, maladies and conditions;
f) Addictions and compulsions.
15. What is the basis for a successful deliverance?
This question is addressed in the booklet, Deliverance From Demonic Powers.
16. How does one prepare for deliverance?
This question is addressed in the booklet, Deliverance From Demonic Powers.
17. What are the primary inroads for demonization?
This question is addressed in the booklet, Deliverance From Demonic Powers.
18. Are there certain times when demonic activity is especially prevalent?
Most definitely! There are definite, specific days and seasons when demonic oppression and activity is predictably more prevalent than at other times. The basic reason for this is that there are certain times when practitioners of occultism, witchcraft, and formal Satanism engage in certain rituals and sacrifices, which coincide with astronomical phases; e.g., new and full moons, lunar and solar eclipses, summer and winter solstices, and the fall and winter Equinoxes. Demonic activity and oppression is greatly increased at these times. Documented “unholy days” in formal Satanism, when certain rituals and sacrifices, involving both human and animal atrocities, are performed include:… [This question is addressed in the booklet, Deliverance From Demonic Powers].
19. Are there any common effects to be on the alert for during these periods of especial demonic activity?
This question is addressed in the booklet, Deliverance From Demonic Powers.
20. Are there any safeguards which can be implemented to resist these demonic effects?
This question is addressed in the booklet, Deliverance From Demonic Powers.
If you think you may need deliverance or have questions, go to the Contact page and complete/send the Inquiry Form.
Deliverance 101 Teaching MP3 Download:
Before we will schedule a deliverance counseling session, we now require every counselee download and listen to a TWO-PART teaching in MP3 file format, entitled, Deliverance 101, by our director, Dr. Steven Lambert, which you can buy/download by clicking on the “Add to Cart” buttons below. The cost of each recording is $4.99.
This TWO-PART teaching is basically a primer on deliverance, and addresses many of the fundamental matters, issues, and commonly asked questions about deliverance. It also helps you to know if deliverance is what you need/want, before scheduling any deliverance sessions. Listening to this teaching is the best way to prepare yourself for deliverance, and is a valuable money-saver and time-saver due to the time that would otherwise be required to address these matters and issues during actual counseling sessions. Plus, once you download the MP3 files onto your computer, podcast player, or mobile device, you can listen to the teaching as many times as you want, both in preparation for your counseling session(s) and afterward to help you to understand and remind yourself how to keep your deliverance and move forward.
Note: Payment is via the PayPal® gateway using any credit/debit card, but a PayPal® account is NOT required. Upon purchase, download links will automatically and immediately be sent to the email address you provide. This method of delivery as MP3 download is the only way we can provide the recordings at this low cost to you.
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