

Our core mission:
Dedicated to fulfilling the first facet of the Great Commission — to cast out demons (Mk. 16:17). Jesus said the Spirit of the Lord was upon Him to set the captives free. The ministry of the Church is the ministry of Jesus, and thus entails setting captives free from the bondages of Satan.

If you need deliverance or Christian counseling:
If you are seeking freedom from mental, emotional, or behavioral struggles, we invite you to explore the resources on this website. Although our counseling services are no longer available, the materials and guidance here can help you begin your journey of deliverance.

If you are a deliverance minister:
If you are a deliverance minister desiring connection with other deliverance ministers as well as more exposure for your ministry, go to the LinkUp page for more information on becoming an affiliate.

Our Core Beliefs:

Scriptures: The 66-Book Protestant Canonical Bible, in its original languages, is the Holy, inspired, infallible Word of God.

God: God is One, yet Triune, eternally existing in three Divine Persons: Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit. He is the Sovereign Ruler over all the universe.

Jesus Christ: The only begotten Son of God and is God the Son. He is the Word of God who was made flesh, by means of a miraculous immaculate conception through a virgin woman named Mary. He is the only Lord and Savior.

Repentance: A specific act, yet an on-going, life-long process, required for forgiveness of sins and salvation. Repent is the first word of the Gospel of the Kingdom.

Salvation: A free gift from God on the basis of undeserved, unearned favor (grace), through faith, to everyone who accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, resulting in forgiveness of sins, reconciliation with God, regeneration, the infilling of the Holy Spirit, and rescue from eternal damnation.

The Baptism in the Holy Spirit: The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is a free gift and promise of God available to all believers subsequent and adjunctive to the New Birth. It empowers the recipient with the dunamis-power of God. [Learn More]