

  • Prophetic Deliverance (Casting demons out)
  • Prophetic Healing
  • Prophetic Decrees & Declarations
  • Prophetic Demolishing of Curses
  • Prophetic Counsel & Direction

Take a deep breath — you found the place for deliverance!

“Praise the Lord!…He HEALS the brokenhearted, and BINDS UP their wounds!” (Psalm 147:1-3)

The Anointing Breaks the Yoke of Bondage:
God says in His Word that it is the anointing that breaks the yoke of bondage! During His earthly ministry, Jesus cast demons out of people in order to set them free from the works of the devil in their lives. In fact, the Bible says destroying “the works of the devil” in people’s lives was the primary purpose Jesus came to the earth and took on the form of a human-being (1 Jn. 3:8). Casting out demons is an integral part of Jesus’ ongoing ministry.

Jesus Himself declared, “If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed!” (Jn. 8:26) The Good News is that Jesus’ ministry did not cease when He rose from the dead and ascended into Heaven to sit down at the right hand of God. Rather, before He ascended He relegated His anointing and ministry unto Fivefold Ministers to carry on His ministry on the earth until He returns to the earth (Eph. 4:11; et al.).

He also gave His Name and all the authority and power that is vested in His Name, which is above every other name, to all believers to use in His stead to perform the same works of power He Himself performed while He was here on the earth — all the miracles recorded in the Gospels (Mat. 28:18-20; Mk. 16:14-20; Eph. 1:18-23; Plp. 2:5-11; et al.). In fact, Jesus Himself declared that true believers could and would perform not only the works that He performed, but EVEN GREATER works of power: “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father” (Jn. 14:12).

“The Great Omission”:
The very first commandment in the five-faceted “Great Commission” Jesus issued to the Church just prior to His ascension into Heaven was to “cast out demons!” (Mark 16:17). Casting out demons is the preeminent aspect of the Gospel of the Kingdom and the ongoing ministry of Jesus. Next to salvation itself, nothing in the Kingdom of God is more important, needed, and necessary. Yet, because the vast majority of churches have refused to obey Jesus’ commandments comprising the Great Commission, sadly, for the most part the Great Commission has been the Great Omission. Indeed, this colossal spiritual failure is one of the primary reasons individual believers and corporate bodies are so spiritually impotent and live out so little of the abundant and victorious life Jesus won for us. As a whole, Christendom is caught up in doing everything but the works Jesus did during his earthly ministry — the works He said believers were also to do and even greater works (supernatural works of the spirit) than He did.

What is deliverance?
Deliverance is a term commonly used to refer to the Biblical exercise of casting out of demons. Some traditional church sects refer to deliverance as “exorcism.” The person who has had demons cast out is said to be “set free” or “delivered.” The end result is that the demons are evicted from their place of residence in or around the person being delivered, and the person is liberated from the influence of the demons. The Bible is very clear that deliverance is a benefit of the new covenant for a Christian…Jesus said that it is the “children’s bread” (Mk. 7:25-30). Deliverance from demonic spirits is referred to as healing in the Word of God (Lk. 9:37-42). So the ministry of casting out demons is part of the healing ministry…healing and deliverance cannot be separated. Jesus spent much of His earthly ministry healing the sick and casting out demons. And then He instructed His followers (believers) to carry on with His ministry on this earth (Jn. 14:12; Mk. 16:17-18).

Is deliverance scriptural?
Most definitely. If it wasn’t—we wouldn’t be doing it! More importantly, if it wasn’t—there would be no ability and empowerment of the Spirit to do it, but THERE IS, and the proof of that is in the fact that when we command evil spirits to come out and leave—THEY DO! There are many references in the Bible to the casting out of demons. Jesus Himself cast out demons, thereby setting the standard all believers are to follow in doing the works that He did. He relegated the authority to the apostles of the Early church to cast out demons, and sent them forth to do so (Mat. 10:8). Moreover, in the “Great Commission,” He charged all “them that believe in My name,” that is, all believers, to cast out demons (Mk. 16:17). Jesus also stated that a part of the mission of the collective Church, which has inherited His ministry anointing, is to “preach deliverance to the captives” (Lk. 4:18). The list of those who cast out demons in the early Church, according to the Bible, include: the Twelve Apostles of the Lamb, Philip the evangelist, and the Apostle Paul.

Who is a candidate for deliverance?
Deliverance is a benefit of the new covenant into which Christians enter when they are Born Again. Indeed, Jesus stated that deliverance is the “children’s bread” (Mk. 7:25-30), meaning the children of God, which is Born Again Christians (there is no other kind of genuine Christian than a “Born Again” Christian). Thus, Born Again Christians are the only candidates for deliverance. We will only minister deliverance to Born Again Christians. One of the primary reasons for that is that only Born Again Christians have the capability of maintaining or keeping their deliverance, that is, keeping the demons from regaining entry to their former residence after they’ve been cast out, which is accomplished through the indwelling presence and the empowerment of the enveloping of the Holy Spirit. We strongly recommend that every Christian go through deliverance, especially and preferably newly Born Again Christians. Most demons enter a person before they are born again. Few Christians, if any, can truthfully and accurately say they were never involved in anything that would have opened them up to demon spirits before getting saved. Demon spirits do not automatically leave an individual after they become born again. Rather, they must be cast out in the Name of Jesus! The benefit of deliverance/healing must be appropriated in the life of a believer.

Some of the bondages, habits, and issues that believers “sweep under the rug” and think that it is just you may be the direct result of a demon spirit being present. Many Christians reason, “Now that I am Born Again, I’m a new creature in Christ, and so I can’t have demons.” But that reasoning, while it may seem right, is spiritually and theologically incorrect, because it is your spirit that is Born Again, but your soul (mind, will, and emotions) and body are not born again and that is where demons abide in the vast majority of cases of demonization. People can get demons from being raped, molested, trauma, abuse, rejection, pornography, fornication, adultery, occult involvement, generational curses, just to name a few. The Bible is very clear that even children can be demonized (Lk. 9:38-42).

The result of the church world believing that deliverance is not for Christians is that it has left many in the church suicidal, self-abusers, bound with lust, addictions, fear, rage, anger, hopelessness, and other torments. The Word of God even points out that many sicknesses and diseases, and that includes mental and emotional disorders, are the direct result of a demon spirit being present in a person (Lk. 13:11).

Some people argue that those problems aren’t demons working in the lives of people, but simply “the works of the flesh” (Gal. 5:19-21). We do not at all deny or ignore the works of the flesh, including in the lives of Born Again believers. But, demons and the flesh work together; demons promote and exploit the works of the flesh! The Word of God calls those works the “works of the flesh” and not the “works of demons” because the fact is a demon spirit does not have the authority or ability to usurp or override the will of a person, so the final responsibility to “resist the devil” and not yield to temptation lies with the believer. God instructs that if we will “resist the devil, he will flee from you (the believer)” (Jas. 4:7).

A Christian in bondage to demons and whose mind has not been renewed by the Word of God (Rom. 12:1-2) will be in constant jeopardy of yielding to the compulsions of demon spirits that are attacking and tempting them. Once demons have gained entrance, they must be cast out, and the person’s mind must be renewed with the Word of God in order for real healing and victory to be manifest in those areas of their life. The passage about the works of the flesh does not imply or state that a Christian cannot be under the influence and attack of demons inducing them to operate the works of the flesh. Satan and demonic spirits love nothing more than to go undetected, unchallenged, and operate freely without restriction in the lives of Christians, just as they do in the lives of unbelievers. (See the FAQ page for more questions and answers about deliverance.)

DeliveranceNow.Com Is Heeding The Call:
Despite the controversy and criticism, DeliveranceNow.Com is resolute in its determination to heed the clarion call and obey the Great Commission, in order to be an agent of liberation for the multitudes around the world who every day at long last are realizing that Jesus and His manifested dunamis-power is their only hope of true freedom from the ravages of demonic captivity, for it is truly Jesus’ anointing that breaks the yoke of demonic strongholds in people’s lives.

Dr. Steven Lambert, Director of DeliveranceNow.ComOur founder and director, Dr. Steven Lambert, has been used of the Lord to set the captives free from demonic strongholds for more than four and a half decades. Indeed, he is one of the leading experts on deliverance and deliverance ministry in the world. The Lord has graced him with a special, powerful anointing to liberate people with just a word decreed over their lives. During his meetings, many people receive deliverance when they walk into the meeting room, or while they are merely sitting in the service before Dr. Lambert ministers to them, and many more receive miraculous and instantaneous deliverance when they come forward for ministry, even when they are not even aware that they need deliverance. In short, the anointing upon Dr. Lambert for deliverance is such that all that is needed is some form of contact with him, and demons begin fleeing, without a lot of drawn out “wrangling” or “wrestling” with the demons at work, because it is Jesus’ anointing and the authority of His Name that is in operation. This same anointing is in operation, not only in meetings, but also when contact is made with Dr. Lambert over the phone. Yes, you can be set free instantaneously over the phone…it really is just that easy, if you are truly ready to do whatever it takes to be set free! All this is what “prophetic deliverance” is all about. Click on the “Director” link on the left to read more about Dr. Lambert’s powerful ministry to set the captives free!

If you need deliverance:
If you are desperate for God’s help in being set free from mental, emotional, or behavioral bondages in your life, or if you need healing in your body, or if you need a prophetic word from God in order to break curses or demonic strongholds over your life DeliveranceNow.Com is the place you can get real deliverance and genuine liberation.

Through more than four decades in deliverance ministry, we have made some determinations based on real-world observations concerning what works and what doesn’t work in getting people set free from demonic influence. Based on that experience and expertise, we have a developed a seven-step process for those wanting deliverance counseling through DeliveranceNow.Com to follow.* Here are the seven steps of the process:

  1. Watch the FREE video by Dr. Lambert posted at the top of this page explaining more about the deliverance counseling offered here;
  2. Purchase/download/listen to the “Deliverance 101” audio posted at the top of the “Contact Us” page (link below);
  3. Complete/submit the Deliverance Inquiry Form on the “Contact Us” page as well;
  4. When you press the “SUBMIT” button at the bottom of the form, your browser will be AUTOMATICALLY redirected to another page, where you’ll be given more information regarding your inquiry, and several options to secure the number of deliverance session(s) you want to begin with;
  5. When you have secured your deliverance session(s), we will send you AT NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE (FREE) the Deliverance From Demonic Powers e-book with two counseling forms included in the ZIP file attached to an email; OR if you choose not to secure any deliverance session(s) at that time and would like to wait to do so until after you’ve read the e-book, there are links on that same page to download FREE the Deliverance Questionnaire and the Counseling Questionnaire, both of which are in PDF format, and there is also a “Read More” link that will take you to the “Publications” page that explains in detail the content of the Deliverance From Demonic Powers e-book, and has a button to purchase the e-book for immediate download (please read the Refund Guarantee posted on that page as well);
  6. Study the Deliverance From Demonic Powers e-book, read the Scriptures on deliverance, pray the prayers, and speak the statements of renunciation in the book, to prepare yourself for deliverance;
  7. Complete and send in the two completed counseling forms [when we receive the forms we will contact you to schedule your deliverance session(s)].

When we have received your forms, we will contact you via email to inform you when Dr. Lambert will be calling you for your first deliverance counseling session via phone or Skype®. This purpose of this session is to determine what spirits you need deliverance from.

[NEW] Following the completed deliverance counseling session, Dr. Lambert will record a deliverance session in which he casts out the demons he has determined you need delivered from, upload it to Soundcloud, and send you a special private link to access the recording to download it, so that you can then listen to it as many times as you want until you are delivered from those spirits.

This process may sound a little complex on your first read, but if you will read it again, you will see it’s really not as difficult as it may sound at first. There are very good reasons — all related to successful deliverance — for each step in the process. The more important part is — the process WORKS! You’ll just have to trust that and the Lord in complying with the process, and if you are REALLY desperate for deliverance, YOU WILL!
* Note: As stated, this is the process we’ve developed for those seeking deliverance “through DeliveranceNow.Com.” In meetings conducted by Dr. Lambert, when demonized people are physically present in the anointed atmosphere when the anointing is flowing, this process is not needed or effected, for “the anointing breaks the yoke” of all demonic bondage, if the person will submit themselves to the anointing of Jesus. If you can attend a meeting in which Dr. Lambert is ministering, and tell him you are requesting deliverance, he will minister deliverance to you free of charge. As stated repeatedly on this website, Dr. Lambert NEVER “charges” for ministry, for it comes from Jesus!

So, if you need deliverance from demons operating in your life, your next step is to go to the Contact page to begin the process of deliverance counseling with Dr. Lambert.

Deliverance Questionnaire — Please download, complete, and send this completed form after you have secured session(s). We cannot schedule your sessions until sometime after we receive this completed form, based on Dr. Lambert’s schedule. (See instructions below.)

Counseling Questionnaire — Please download, complete, and send this completed form after you have secured session(s). We cannot schedule your sessions until sometime after we receive this completed form, based on Dr. Lambert’s schedule. (See instructions below.)

Here’s how to fill out and send the above completed forms:

  1. Download the form to your computer/device.
  2. Open the form document with the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader (be sure to have the latest version on your computer/device; update/download at www.adobe.com/reader).
  3. Fill in the form document by clicking on the “fill & sign” tool; use appropriate tool.
  4. Sign the document using the e-sign tool.
  5. Save the completed document to your computer/device.
  6. Send the completed document using Adobe echo-sign service (account is free); OR, send the completed document you saved to your computer/device attached to an email.

Deliverance From Demonic Powers ebook — For more information regarding deliverance, we highly recommend you download this ebook and read it prior to counseling appointments, especially if deliverance is known or suspected to be involved in your counseling. The ebook is available for immediate download. Read More >>

Go to Articles page (see top navigation bar) to read articles about deliverance.

Listen to a message by Dr. Lambert, “Deliverance — The Childrens’ Bread”:
[Turn your speakers on and click start button below. Make sure the other message playing has finished before clicking the start button.]
Please click on the arrow button below to play the audio file:


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